Follow Whales

On this page you can take a look at the daily movements of whales in our research area. After a whale survey we will share with you the location and identity of orca pods, humpback and fin whales that we encountered that day. So, even though you may not have been on the boat with us, you will have the opportunity to follow your favourite whales. Each bubble will be the location and identity of individual whales and pods, just click it on to see who was here today. Then read the daily blog as we write about each of these encounters. If you have sponsored a whale this is a great way to follow the daily travels and companionships of your whale.

Please note that this northern community of humpback whales will arrive back in this area in the early spring of 2011. We will post the first arrival as soon as the the migration from the south begins.

Having trouble viewing a location? Double click the area around it to zoom in.