About Us

For Whales has one purpose, to protect and research whales along the coast of BC. In 2001 we established Cetacea Lab, a land based whale research station located at Whale Point on the southern end of Gil Island. Since that time we have contributed to the conclusion that this location needs to be established as Critical Habitat for Humpback Whales and as a candidate for Critical Habitat for Killer Whales.

Since our arrival in 2001 we have established an increasing resident population of Humpback Whales. This year will publish our first peer reviewed paper describing this information in detail.
We have developed a Humpback Whale Photo ID Catalogue for whales resident to this particular area. This book will also speak of the strong social and established feeding bonds between humpback whales we have observed over the last decade as well the great mystery of the ancient humpback whale song that has been evolving for centuries.

We have developed a strong relationship of respect and friendship with the Gitga'at, first nations people of Hartley Bay. Together we now combine our efforts and research to initiate solutions that encourage a balance between nature and industry.

Over the last decade we have built an acoustic library and photographic catalogue of every orca sighting from Caamano Sound to Douglas Channel. Working with colleagues such as John Ford and Graeme Ellis we believe this information will help declare Caamano Sound critical habit for killer whales!!

We have established an interpretive center as well a new research station at Whale Point. The station is now open for volunteers around the world to join as research assistants and participate in many of our new research programs.

As always we continue to inspire awareness For Whales as the true Guardians of our Oceans.

We hope you will follow this journey with us as we discover and learn from these gentle  giants we call whales.